this is an unoffical collection of known recordings from abscise, louisville's finest ever metal/hardcore band. they incorporated elements from swedish metal, hardcore, punk, etc to create what i consider to be the finest music ever in the straight-up metalcore genre. i knew at least a dozen people who lived and died with this band. the music is so passionate, with pretty acoustic moments in the forefront and heartfelt screams in the backdrop. they use awesome breakdowns, wicked song structures, and some seriously excellent multi-vocal parts (sometimes also using gang vocals). this is so good, and i love this band...i wish they still made music. i saw their last show and videotaped it (i think the cheese metal band 3 Inches Of Blood opened, actually), and it was one of my favorite concerts moments ever. this collection includes 5 songs from their first demo (some seriously epic shit, all multi-part songs with some fantastic metal chops while never sacrificing the overall aesthetic and totally great songwriting) and 4 songs from their next demo (not as epic, shorter songs, more focus on breakdowns, still kicks tons of ass). RECOMMENDED FOR METAL FANS. this band's music should not disappear just because they did! i must spread this around...must be heard...must not fade.
(members of the band went on to be in breather resist, a semi-well-known hardcore band.) 2001-2002.